When Do I have to Clean the Stove?
Traditional Stoves
Every day you need to clean the brazier and free the combustion holes.
Dielle Stoves
Less frequently as the new pellets loaded from below automatically clean the brazier, carrying away the residues.
Which Fuels Can I Use?
Traditional Stoves
Only top quality pellets generally the most expensive
Dielle Stoves
Also less noble pellets. Therefore less expensive.
What happens when the room reaches the desired temperature?
Traditional Stoves
The stove goes into modulation, with constant consumption even if the home is warm.
Dielle Stoves
After modulation the stove goes into stand-by mode and therefore there is no unnecessary pellet consumption.
What Does the Flame Look
Traditional Stoves
Small and quick, especially at low output..
Dielle Stoves
Very natural. Beautiful even at minimum output!
How the Dielle Works
Fire up the Dielle
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